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Narez Organics

Narez Organics

Salinas, CA


Maria Narez is a third-generation farmer, learning how to manage a farm directly from her parents and grand-parents, who worked in the field throughout their lives. Maria was drawn to organic agriculture after living near a conventional farm with her first child, and felt the harmful effects of people using airborne chemicals without discretion or consideration for the effects on human health. Maria studied at UC Davis, graduating with a degree in Agronomy before launching her farm. She has 3 children with her partner. The oldest is going to college this year, pursuing a degree in computer science to learn how to better support farmers who pursue farm safety, organic certification, crop yield, and make farming more accessible to beginning growers. Her second child is 16 and training to be a doctor, while volunteering at local organizations. Her youngest is 4, and enjoys roaming the fields with her friends. Maria is CCOF Organic, and fully USDA GAP certified, and is currently pursuing CCOF Global GAP. Narez is a diversified farm currently growing 13 unique crops and continually advancing their regenerative practices on 20 acres of well cared for land in Salinas, CA

Top crops

Lettuce, Onions, Celery, Cabbage, Herbs




Food Safety



