In the heart of Lancaster County, a group of seven farmers gathered on a humble hay bale in 2006, united by a shared vision. They recognized the challenges posed by large-scale agribusiness and the need to support local farms. By collaborating, they could collectively strengthen their position, optimize resources, and ensure the sustainability of their livelihoods. The formation of the Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-Op (LFFC) marked a significant turning point. This cooperative model empowered farmers to work together as both growers and decision-makers. By pooling their resources and sharing knowledge, they could maximize the value of their products and shape their collective future. Today, LFFC represents over 100 member farms, each committed to ethical and sustainable practices. LFFC's non-profit status ensures that any profits generated are reinvested into the co-op and its member farms. This commitment to supporting local agriculture allows farmers to focus on what they do best: producing high-quality, organic food. Many of these farmers prioritize the health of both people and the planet. They raise small herds and flocks, providing animals with ample access to pasture and a natural, humane environment.
Onion Carrots Celery Fennel Leeks Thyme Parsley Rosemary Cabbage Kale Sweet Potatoes Processing Butternut