History: Vessey Farm is a 4th generation produce grower and shipper, located in the Imperial Valley. Vessey is a diversified family farm who grows fruits, vegetables, grains, and hay in Holtville, CA. Over 40 different types of fruits and vegetables are grown both conventionally and organically. The farm was started in the early 1900s when Elton Vessey moved to the imperial valley from Wisconsin. Mission: To remain sustainable through land and water management programs while maintaining high quality standards at a reasonable cost to eaters. Vessey Farm is today, as it always has been, a family company. Our goal is to leave the land and earth to our children and future generations in better condition than it was given to us. Food Safety: Vessey is a GAP Certified operation. Although we conduct our own pre-season and pre-harvest risk assessments, in order to meet our own high standards, we also hire third party inspectors to conduct ranch audits prior to each season and harvest. Each bin or carton that contains our product is coded prior to leaving the field enabling us to quickly identify the source where each item was grown. A primary goal of our safety program is reducing the possibility of contamination without affecting the sustainability or ecological balance of the surrounding environment. Thank you for supporting family farmers!
40 different types of fruits and vegetables are grown conventionally and organically at Vessey Farm