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Live Earth Farm

Live Earth Farm

Watsonville, CA


Established as a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm in 1995, we believe the key to growing nutritious (and tasty!) fruits and vegetables is creating and nurturing healthy soil. To do this we mimic natural soil-building processes using techniques such as composting, crop rotation, cover crops and mulching, adding organic soil amendments, and following careful tillage practices. These techniques allow us to grow and harvest food without depleting but instead nourishing the soil and its natural life cycle. As stewards of the land, we farm organically, and are certified organic by Organic Certifiers. We thrive on building diversity to enhance the native habitat and organic ecosystem on the farm. We work with organizations like Wild Farm Alliance on establishing wildlife corridors, and ensure native plantings to improve water quality, reduce soil erosion, and create beneficial insect habitat. A recent case study by California Climate & Agriculture Network determined “You would be hard pressed to find a better model of biodiversity and climate resilience than Live Earth Farm."

Top crops

Berries, kales, herbs, carrots, tomatoes






